
For today’s Meet The Team Monday, I sat down with Oksana Nikonova, the Administrative Assistant for our company.

When did you start working for Diamond Designs?

In August 2018. I actually started working part time at Anne’s B&B earlier that year, and then in July she invited me to join the Diamond Designs team. My first answer was “No-no-no”. Then Anne said, “Just try for 1 month and then we will decide.” Two weeks later she gave me a contract and, as you can see, I'm still here and have never regretted it! In fact, I can't even tell if I found this job or if the job found me.

What is your favourite part about working at Diamond Designs?

I like my job when we are busy. I love being helpful and if someone is in doubt about what style or size of uniform is best for their role, it’s an indescribable feeling that you've helped and the customer is happy. We always do our best to process all orders as quickly as possible and of course it is very nice to get good feedback from customers.

What is your favourite product?

Zoe & Chloe printed scrubs. I persuaded Aisling to start selling these scrubs. I really think that printed tops are the perfect option for childcare, paediatric departments, private nursing homes and small veterinary practices. They’re high quality and reasonably priced. I’m glad to see these tops getting more and more popular! 😊

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

I first came to Ireland 18 years ago on St. Patrick's Day (more precisely, the night after St. Patrick's Day). There were thousands of drunk people on the roads singing and dancing at 3 am in the middle of the week. I was shocked and I just thought, “My God, where have I come!?”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Do not judge the actions of others, it is not known how you would act in that situation.


  • Film: “The Green Mile”
  • Book: “The Midnight Library”
  • Song: Bonnie Tyler

See you next week!