
Social media can be a tough challenge for any business, especially if you don’t have the expertise of a trained social media specialist at hand- oh the luxury! While social media might seem like it’s strictly for those who love interacting with others and have a lot of spare time on their hands (if only!), it’s a valuable area to master for all businesses. If you fancy becoming a social media wizard in order to successfully promote your business online then here are our top tips to sky rocket your social media pages.


1.Build a following- it's fun, promise!

When it comes to building a following on your social media accounts, go for quality over quantity. Yes, thousands for followers may seem like your business is on fire, but, you need dedicated followers tailored to your niche, otherwise it's all pretty pointless!

Followers that aren’t going to engage with you or have no interest in what you’re promoting won’t help you to grow your business. Instead, follow those in the beauty industry and those that have a love of beauty, such as beauty bloggers and vloggers. Building a targeted audience will really help you to promote your business.

i've got this

2. Promote but don’t be a spammer!

Nobody likes a spammer. When you’re sending promotional tweets, posts or images, be consistent but don’t overdo it. If you don’t have time to spend on social media then try scheduling. For instance, Hootsuite or Buffer are great for scheduling tweets. Remember, followers tend to use their accounts sporadically and they may only see one of your posts for a few seconds, so the key is to be relevant without seeming spammy.

3. #Hashtag those posts!

Hashtags are a great way to connect with users and build your audience, especially when you’re just starting out on social media. Search for relevant hashtags in your niche. You may want to use #beauty, #cosmetics or a local hashtag to find people in your local area. Use them on Twitter and Instagram to promote your posts and account.

social media

4. Get chatty

Interaction is key for successfully promoting your business via social media. Ensure that you respond to queries quickly as good customer service will really stand out on social media. A positive approach to customer service will ensure that others recommend your service and your clients are likely to return. Create a personal service by using names in tweets and posts as this will help you to create a brand that has soul.

5. Create fun and personal offers

Why not create offers that are tailored to your social media followers. This will help you to convert interactions into sales and provide value to your audience. Ensure that those interested in your offers sign up to your email newsletter as this will allow you to build on sales by using an effective marketing strategy.

Do you use social media, let us know in the comments below.

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Images sourced from Pinterest.