Top Five Beauty Twitter Chats to Take Part in

Every week all over Twitter thousands of scheduled chats take place. One of the largest spoken about topics via social media is beauty, with thousands of bloggers and industry professionals...

The most popular summer beauty treatments

Summer is coming! Don’t panic…there is still lots of time to get your body beach-ready for that sun holiday you’ve booked. For beauty therapists, the summer months can be the...

5 Steps to Clear, Radiant Skin

Clear, radiant, naturally glowing skin is a beauty goal we all desire. Imagine the freedom of going out in public make-up-free without worrying glances or queries about your health! ‘No,...

Spray Tanning - the Do's and Don'ts

A big shout out to the brains who brought us spray tanning. As every beauty therapist knows, this is one of THE most popular treatments on the menu in any...

Teenage Beauty Mistakes We All Made

We have all endured our fair share of beauty mistakes down through the years. In particular, the teenage days of bad skin and hormonal mood swings was a time of...

Wedding Day Make-up – 5 Steps to Getting it Right

Every bride wants to look absolutely flawless when her big day rolls around. Let’s face it, you’ll never again get the same level of adoring attention as you get when...

Makeup History: Fun Facts

Oh makeup, how we love you so. Where would we be without foundation on a bad skin day? Or eyeliner and mascara to open the windows to the soul? Or...

Beauty Trend Alert – Fur Nail Manicures

ATTENTION trend-conscious beauty therapists – the latest craze spreading throughout the wonderful world of beauty is a demand for fur nails. ‘W.T.F?’ I hear you exclaim! Yes, you read it...

6 Bizarre Beauty Treatments…

The weirdest ways to look ‘good’ Since the beginning of time us humans have willingly tried and tested very strange treatments in a quest to achieve society’s idea of beauty....

The Best Work Day Beauty Looks


There’s no better way to showcase your skills and talents than by your own work day beauty look. After all, well presented makeup, hair and nails will appear extremely professional, and show your clients just what you’re made of. Want to get some inspiration for a showstopping work day look. Here are our favourite looks.

The 5 Products Every Girl Needs in Their Handbag


If you’re anything like us then your handbag will be overflowing with everything but the kitchen sink. Makeup, keys, books, you name it and we’ve probably had it stuffed in there at one time or another. So, it’s time for a spring clean, and to decide what we really need to keep by our sides during the busy working day or a leisurely stroll to the nearest coffee shop. If you need some inspiration then here are the 5 products we think every girl needs in their handbag.

Facial Oils on Oily Skin – Yay or Nay?


If you thought having oily skin is a beauty no-no, (and, let’s face it, no one enjoys walking around with a greasy face!). Then, you’re probably wondering why on earth you’d consider using a facial oil. Well, think again! Facial oils are the ultimate beauty treatment and one that surprisingly all skin types can use. So, why are facial oils one of the crème de crème products for oily skin?