These days Selfies are everything, it’s the power of social media and for any type of business endorsing this potential free advertising for your company is a marketing must. Instead of hoping for good client feedback (and the possibility for a client selfie promoting your awesome work afterwards) encourage it to happen by adding some very clever marketing strategies.
Savvy Selfie Solutions
It’s no secret that people love a good selfie, particularly when they are looking their best. For salons this a is great news because often clients look and feel their best straight after a salon visit and, more often than not proceed to take a selfie in the car or once at home and post it to social media. You usually find a client will post a picture with a description such as “New Do!” or “fresh trim” but unless asked, they rarely tag or advertise the salon that created the look.
Salons can jump on the selfie bandwagon by cleverly endorsing this type of free advertising with some very simple but effective small changes.
Selfie Station
Setting up a selfie station in your salon is a great way to encourage client feedback and free social media advertising. It can be a simple backdrop against a salon wall, which is a dedicated area for selfies, or if space is limited in front of one of the salon mirrors is perfectly fine! Just remember to add the salon logo somewhere in the image for your free advertising. It could be stickers on the mirror or a wall or with using the staff as most likely, their beauty uniforms express the salon logo.
Clients Incentives
Ok so we want this free advertising for our salons, but what does the client get out of it? We cannot expect anything for nothing so if we are to go as far as setting up a selfie station we may want to offer the client a little discount on their next visit if they are willing to take part. It doesn’t have to huge, but a little 10% off is an encouraging way to make it happen.
Before and after selfies are even better. If you can encourage a client to allow you to do this, fantastic! If the client is feeling apprehensive about before images, ensure to make them feel comfortable by offering to photo back of headshots only. Back of head shots are a popular choice for many salons anyway.
#Hashtag #Hashtag #Hashtag
It’s all about the hashtag these days so ensure to create one for your salon for maximum exposure. If you do not have Instagram for your salon, you need to create one fast! It’s the only way you will keep up with the industry in today’s world!
So basically, work your wonderful magic, encourage client’s selfies, offer some discount to entice the client, and remember to get yourself tagged. Create Hashtags, create business pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and encourage all of your staff members to get tagged individually as well as a tag for the salon.
Follow these simple tips, and you are onto a winner!